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Current Student Information


MedEntry UMAT Preparation Workshop
MedEntry will be running a two day UMAT workshop in Hobart on 26th - 27th April 2017 for the benefit of Tasmanian students. The UMAT test is a prerequisite for entry into medicine.
Students interested in pursuing medicine need to sit the UMAT on 26 July 2017. MedEntry is a government accredited Registered Training Organisation specialising in UMAT preparation. MedEntry offers discounts of up to 30% for groups, and numerous scholarships. MedEntry is running a UMAT Course in Hobart on 26-27 April 2017. Further information is at
MedEntry is an internationally trusted educational institution providing UMAT preparation in Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.
On Monday 20th March, Alex Wood competed in the 2017 Lions Youth of The Year regional event in Riverside. Alex underwent an interview process and then had to deliver 2 impromptu and one prepared speech to an audience. Alex acquitted himself exceptionally well and won the public speaking award for this event. Congratulations Alex!

Rostrum Voice of Youth
This is a national speaking competition which provides an excellent opportunity for secondary school students to gain experience and confidence in expressing their views and communicating a message. Students are required to present a prepared speech (8 minutes) and a short notice speech (3 minutes). The regional heats in the North will be held on Friday May the 5th and entries close Friday 5th of April. Please see Tanya Wilson in room 21 if you are interested.




Created at 13/09/2016 10:11 by Bryan, Scott A
Last modified at 31/03/2017 8:42 by Bryan, Scott A