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Report Title

Expiring Within Next Seven Days

Resource Id


Resource Id


CAML List Type


CAML Query

<Where><And><Leq><FieldRef ID="{a990e64f-faa3-49c1-aafa-885fda79de62}"></FieldRef><Value Type="DateTime">[Today + 7]</Value></Leq><Geq><FieldRef ID="{a990e64f-faa3-49c1-aafa-885fda79de62}"/><Value Type="DateTime"><Today /></Value></Geq></And></Where>

Target Audiences

No targeting

Report Description

All documents and pages that will only be visible to authorized users within the next seven days in this site and subsites


Created at 16/04/2015 1:24 by Nicholas Bronson
Last modified at 16/04/2015 1:24 by Nicholas Bronson